The Private Cloud that offers you full control and customization to exactly meet your needs

What is Leap GIO Private?

Leap GIO Private is a private cloud that enables users to utilize computing resources such as memory or storage, to full efficiency. It is designed to accommodate almost all types of applications and possesses full Private Cloud qualifications. Managed through VMware vSphere Hypervisor, the system incorporates vCenter to create quick and easy solutions for users. It also facilitates complete control of computing resources and network systems to fully meet customer preferences.


Connectivity to the internet and private networks, such as WAN link, MPLS, Leased Line, or BKK Ring can be added.


Connectivity to the internet and private networks, such as WAN link, MPLS, Leased Line, or BKK Ring can be added.
Users can make the most of computing resources and scale up or scale down the number of hosts to fully fit their applications.


Users can make the most of computing resources and scale up or scale down the number of hosts to fully fit their applications.
With full access to VMware and vCenter tools, the users themselves can set parameters and take full control of all computing resources.  Both tools are highly flexible and user-friendly.

Complete system control

With full access to VMware and vCenter tools, the users themselves can set parameters and take full control of all computing resources. Both tools are highly flexible and user-friendly.


Leap GIO Private


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